Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

We're Back !

I can hardly believe the transformation in George and Martha. I always say the biggest change occurs at 4 weeks and at times it actually seems to be overnight! As you can see by the pictures they are both little piggies due to the sheer number of pups. I started to wean them much earlier than usual in hopes of getting them more mobile and active, enabling them to burn more calories. In addition to this I had been increasing their physical stimulation especially with their back legs. It all paid off in a matter of 72 hours because their coordination, gait, and strength is more than I could ask for. Their sweet little personalities are beginning to emerge. Georgie likes to observe what's going on around, get a feel for the situation and then he'll dive in. Martha is completely opposite - she dives in first thing no matter what! They are so funny to watch!

They are on a structured weaning schedule now. Two of their meals are moistened puppy chow, put down for them for a certain timeframe. One of their meals is a planned nursing time with Wish, and the other one a little more flexible as she overnights with them. They have teeth and she is not so lenient with letting them just belly up to the bar anymore! Speaking of teeth, they are both enjoying how to learn to carry puppy size nylabones. This is for the benefit of their new owners. Teething and mouthing are part of puppyhood and it's been our experience that you must have many things handy to substitute for human body parts and clothes and other unchewable items! Nylabones and Kongs never fail to help during this period. They both are holding the nylabones for brief seconds in their mouths. I have also started to teach them to 'follow'... very informally but it's important for them to learn to follow humans early on. Makes for easier leash training, heel, etc.

Have made some changes to the whelping box, trying something a bit new. We have a dozen or so whelping size indoor/outdoor carpets which we rotate. Typically we take the old one out, disinfect it, rinse well, hang in the sun and use again or put away for future use. Our friends Jim and Julie also provide us with ends of unprinted newspaper rolls so I don't have to deal with newsprint. I've not been happy with using the carpet this time around though - with the weather being what it is - Wish would always come back in soaked, and get the pups and the carpet wet so it just wasn't working out. I took the top off of a small puppy crate and lined the bottom with puppy blankets and soft toys . I set this new 'nest' inside the whelping box which I then filled and lined with shavings. In the area where pups were relieving themselves, I laid an extra layer of unprinted newspapers. This is working out so much better, everyone is dry and clean plus it smells so fresh. It's not too hard to keep two pups clean anyway - but with the dampness etc. this is perfect.

Today pups heard muffled lawn mower, barking dogs, a floor fan, and were introduced to JackDog! I'm happy that all reactions were very positive. Definitely an awareness of all that is new, but no fears. I will confess that the first time George was on the floor near their whelping box, he hid under the couch and wouldn't come out! I think Martha intimidated him with her running from one end of the room to the other - he was not quite as agile as she was a few days ago.

They are now spending most of the day up in the house with me now to get use to normal everyday sounds in a home. They do enjoy the big wicker dog bed but they get lost in it! They sleep 95% of the time - but that 5% - LOOK OUT! They are out to conquer the world!

Martha had enjoyed biting her brothers ears and making him squeal. But today - it was pay back. He decided to be the one doing the biting and she didn't know what to think! They are a riot to watch. I just sit and laugh and laugh, they are so funny. We obviously missed uploading the 3 week photos so I'm sure you are going to see quite a change in our little ones!

I am uploading a video taken today to YouTube and will either post here or send out. Pam and Sam were attacked by the same computer virus that we had here and still don't have things resolved. We spoke briefly today and I'm looking forward to an enjoyable conversation tomorrow. Lili has sent me a list of names to consider for Martha and I've let her know which ones I like the best. I am now in full-time puppy caregiver mode and have very little time available for much else. But these weeks pass all too quickly and truly it seems as if I just live for these moments with Brittany babies. Not to say any of our ATB family is overlooked at all when we have puppies. They are all extremely interested when there are new pups and we have surrogate big sisters, aunts, and uncles who play an important role in the socializing.

This week the pups will be exposed to even more situations, surfaces, sounds, sights, smells you name it! And I love that when they wake up and know I'm there, those little tails just about wiggle themselves off, and I've started to get those cute little woofs of recognition. My favorite thing of all is taking each pup - one by one - and laying down with them snuggling under my chin. They fall asleep there. If they happen to wake up briefly, I am blessed with their sweet sweet kisses and that intoxicating puppy breath! I think having a small number of pups is harder for many reasons - and one of them is how deeply you fall in love with them!

Well I am watching the minutes pass by and see that the video is almost uploaded. The camera I use to take them is just an inexpensive point/shoot digital camera with a video feature - but it works!

As always, thank you for your interest in All Things Brittany and God Bless you!
John and Ann and our canine crew

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