Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Monday, November 24, 2014

T'was the Week of Thanksgiving


BELLA (Kiba)

J&A's RUFF PLAY - BROOK - (Amie)
REFLECTION Time goes by. We all know that is true. I feel in regards to time that a dog breeders calendar truly is perpetual.  Planning a litter often begins years in advance.  Looking at pedigrees, observing dogs in person, considering what your own purpose is for breeding in the first place, and what you may hope to achieve by bringing two particular animals together in the first place.  You work closely with those whose opinions and experiences you trust.  You observe others from a distance to see what may or may not have worked for them. You consider health, temperament, function, conformation, and much much more.  Sometimes you feel as if you are living in a glass house while other times you are certain you are invisible.  Unsolicited opinions cover a full spectrum which includes criticism as well as support and encouragement.  You follow your heart, but you also follow your head.  You look not only at the beautiful dogs in front of you, but you look behind you for several generations. You look ahead of you in anticipation of what the future may bring.  An estrus season comes.  The intended is brought to your girl.  You wait, hope, and pray during 9 very long weeks.  There are no guarantees. Ever.  The majority of time there are no complications.  Years and years go by without an issue. Sometimes it seems the more you learn and the more you know, the more you realize the very real risks that are involved.

One week from today three very special pups will leave our care and begin the first day of the rest of their lives with their new families.  Kiba's new name will be Bella.  Amie will be called Brook.  Eleta will keep her name and be Ellie.  They are the three survivors of a litter of 8 girls born to Wilson & Pippin.  And they are beautiful, intelligent, fun, happy, and very very sweet!

Thistle being loved on by her son Quincy and his sire, Bullet.  
THISTLE UPDATE  Thank you for those who have continued to pray for Thistle's well being.  It has now been over 4 weeks since Thistles emergency surgery. Since then she has been on heavy duty medications and her blood work and liver values have been monitored closely.  In the hands of the medical time in Hermon, Maine and Rochester, NH the finest of animal medical professionals are involved in her healing and recovery.  She's not out of the woods yet but her spunkiness and love of life have returned.  Thistle is more like herself and there has been improvement. Julie has dedicated herself to the care and well being of  Thistle and I know it's been an exhausting time for her.  We hope you will continue to pray for Thistle and for Julie. There are still questions which need to be answered. Above all, we keep our eyes fixed on all things above, upon the Lord, for He is our ever present help in times of trouble.  In ALL THINGS.

We're getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving here. Most of our family will be here and I'm looking forward to the traditional family meal.  Basically the menu is the same one that was passed on from John's grandparents, to his parents, and to us.  Through the years we have tried to enhance and add a couple of new offerings but in the long run we always return to what is tried and true.  The gravy that is only made on Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as the special way of making stuffing.  We have a lot to be thankful for this year! We wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving as well, and may God bless you as you gather around the table.  John, Ann, and All Things Brittany

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