Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Seasons - Best of ATB

Best of All Things Brittany (from the ARCHIVES)

This beautiful liver and white Brittany puppy is "Crickett's Hunter" from our very first litter of pups born in 1990.  He was right around the same age as "Hemi" in this photograph.  I had just raked a pile of leaves in the backyard and Hunter took the opportunity to give us a real photo gem. Don't you think he looks a lot like Treasure?  I always have and they are related by the "belly button theory" as most of our Brittanys lead back to Hunter's grandparents.

I'm writing on the backside of yet another totally enjoyable weekend spent once again with family, good friends, and with neighbors. The only problem is time is passing so quickly these days that there are still so many others that I had planned to visit with before the summer passed us by. Not that I am rushing things or anything like that but I do want to mention that there are trees on our road with leaves at the tippity top that are already changing color! And my last trip down to the berry patches revealed that some very small but beautiful maple leaves had fallen to the ground.

In years past I would often pick up the very first leaf that I discovered as fall approached and set it aside. I've always looked at my own life as a series of seasons; seasons of growth and maturity full of various experiences. Sometimes we are aware of what season we are in. For instance, when our daughter graduated from high school and was headed to college I knew as a mom I was in a season of letting go so that I could be prepared emotionally and spiritually for whatever the future would bring and where God may lead me. When our first grandchild was born it was on the horizon of a brand new millenium, also the year marking our 25th anniversary and a trip to Israel. This was a season of personal growth as well as digging deeply into my heart and spirit, asking God to show me the way. Which He did.

Things leveled out and one season came to an end and another began. Eventually leading to where I find myself now. Seasons of the heart and the spirit do not coincide with the natural seasons but we can learn so much when one of them is coming to an end and another is about to begin. I remember clearly a specific season winding down in my life when it was time to leave my job behind for various reasons. Full of uncertainty as to what the future held but confident that it was time for a change. A single leaf fell from the majestic oak tree that shaded the path leading away from the office to the parking lot. I picked it up and held it to my nose, savoring that wonderful musky scent of a fallen leaf. Closing my eyes I simply thanked God for this gentle reminder that He's in control. In control of everything. As surely as it was time for that leaf to fall to the ground so was it time for things to begin to line up and fall into place for another season in my own life.

Seasons change from one to the next whether or not we are ready or if we want them too. Think about that pile of cordwood out in the driveway. Even if we're not ready to stack it and put it on the porch before the temperature drops, those temperatures will drop just the same and we will either be opening the door and walking a few steps to get wood for the stove - or walking out into the cold weather, across the yard to get an armful. So it is with the spiritual aspect of personal seasons. It is enough to be aware and recognize the sign(s). It is much better to be prepared for them. So I'm not really sure why my blogging tonight took this direction. I was going to write about the particulars of a particularly enjoyable weekend and talk about Julie and Bullet, Pam and True, Hemi and Thistle, John and All Things Brittany including our grandaughters birthday party. Maybe I'm inspired by a recent lunch with a longtime friend I'd not seen in way too many years and listening to the story of what she has been through for the past couple of years. Now she is on the threshold of her own change, finding herself in a place she never dreamed she would be. A "place" where God took all the difficulties of recent years and turned them around for His purpose, and as a result is blessing her through them. She wouldn't be who she is now if she'd stayed in that prior season but neither would she have experienced the reality of knowing indeed - God is always in control. Especially those times we all have when nothing in life makes sense at the moment. Be blessed this night readers. Know that whatever is going on in your heart, that all it takes is a teeny bit of faith - the size of a mustard seed - to see you through. Faith in One Who knows and loves you more than you could possibly believe. As the leaves begin to change color and fall, with summer slowly transitioning into the beauty of autumn, think about your own seasons of life. Be still. And know. That He is God.
Take care and God bless you always. More about the Brittanys next time I promise. ~ Ann
ARCHIVE: August 8, 2011

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