Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Treasure's Pregnancy: DAY 54

Gosh I cannot express how my heart aches for the discomfort that Treasure is obviously in. Herein lies the most solemn sentiment of responsibility as a breeder, knowing full well the puppies are well planned for and very much anticipated by our own design for all the right reasons.  Reasons....  hmmm.  This is where opinions waffle and fade, especially in regards to purpose driving breeding programs. Honestly, I truly do get that. You see, I have little tolerance for those who want to breed so that little Sally or Joey gets to experience seeing their pet dog Sandy have pups.  I feel the same way about those who really don't care about becoming a breeder but do want to see Bingo reproduced in a litter of his own.  But it's not about getting on my soapbox at the moment. (I do that in several other places including as a representative for municipal kennel owners on the Governors Animal Welfare Advisory Council (AWAC), and then also on the Maine Hunting & Sporting Dog Owners Blog over at the Bangor Daily News, a Facebook page of the same name, and as owner/moderator of the Maine Legislative Canine Yahoo! Discussion group!)
No, today is about observing Miss Treasure, dedicating the time to her and making her as comfortable as possible.  Her appetite is ferocious although she just cannot handle eating a lot at once.  We're indulging her by offering her lighter meals with foods she doesn't usually get on a regular basis. She is not sleeping through the night at all which is so unusual. I'm taking her outdoors a few times between bedtime and sunrise. I've restricted her from running with the big dogs. She has such a competitive nature when it comes to their free runs and has to be the lead dog when they are all out together.  Physically, she just can't do that and I don't want to risk her getting bumped.  Treasure also enjoys armchair bird hunting while in the house. She can get so excited and demand to go outdoors. Again, not a problem any other time but I really don't think she needs to leap out over the entire front porch at this point.

Mostly she's sleeping. And that's a good thing because labor will take a toll on her energy reserves and strength.  Having the luxury myself to devote this time to Treasure also affords me wonderful excuses to indulge in naps lying by her side, rubbing her belly.  This momma to be is being spoiled and rightfully so.  Full body massages are part of the deal here for her! Treasure will offer her exposed belly up when casually petted. It's an undeniably clear message and a welcome invitation that she would love to be on the receiving end of much attention!  Not a problem.

Day 54 and her temperature throws me a curve.  By this I mean I was expecting her normal average dog body temperature to be at 101.  Nope. Instead we are starting off at 100.1 .  It may not seem like much of a difference but each and every little degree mark matters when monitoring a girl about to whelp a litter of pups in a week. I talked a little bit about the whole temperature taking process this over on the ATB Breeder Page called Nursing Mother's Pudding Recipe.
The shedding of hair around Treasure's nipples continues to intensify. Maybe this afternoon I'll do a little trimming in that area for her, and also take off some of her beautiful furnishings around her back legs for her own well being. She is fastidious about keeping herself clean but I just think it's more hygienic and also easier for the neonatals as they are born and quickly find their way to their mothers teat to nurse.  That amazes me by the way.  Sometimes, even before the umbilical cord has been severed by momma dog (or us if need be) you will see a feisty neonatal puppy find it's way to nurse within seconds of being born.  The beauty of those moments are undeniably breath taking.
Well, she's now come over next to where I sit at my desk. She has preferred lying down by my feet to lying down on the comforter next to the wood stove.  This means it is time for me to drop everything and to give Miss Treasure the undivided attention she is so deserving of.  Pups movement is certain. Her mother Wish in the past has entered Stage One of labor as early as Day 59 before, with pups on Day 60.  I've not seen pups born earlier than that and the longer they 'cook' the better at this stage of course.  Yet with large litters of pups,  you can expect anything.  Thanks for your interest and check back, I'll be sharing this journey as time permits. Take care and God bless, John, Ann, Treasure and our beautiful canine crew of Brittanys.

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