Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ATB: MAGNUM - Not Your Ordinary Bird Dog

To look at this photo is to witness the evidence of a miracle of
God's healing power. It is to understand the depth of faith and love poured out
upon Magnum by his loving family and so many friends.
Jamie said: "Magnums first time hunting and he did a wonderful job.
Very thankful that he can hunt at all after his accident. He is a pleasure to hunt with!"
Karen wrote: "He hunted Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Jamie said he did REALLY well. He pointed very well and retrieved great! In fact, the people he hunted with, didn't believe he ever had an injury! - It really is amazing! God is good!...."

Remember Magnum?  This is the beautiful young Brittany (Pippin and Chevy pup) that was critically injured this spring when he was run over by a dump truck. Immediately following the accident his chances of survival were quite grim indeed. But God! 

Indeed, God was in control of this entire situation (I've shared about Magnum's accident and updates since April 24, 2012 and they are listed in the archives.)  Seemingly at every turn the reports which should have been negative and discouraging were turned into multiple reasons to be extremely thankful.  His pelvis was fractured in several places and he underwent extensive surgery to hopefully repair the damage that was done. It was not known if he would ever walk again, let alone run.  I'm confident in saying that the prayers of so many wonderful, believing people kept Magnum safe in the hands of God. 

Magnum is loved by a lovely family of mom, dad, and their 3 daughters.  An extremely active and hunting  family, he was to be a family pet and a hunting companion. And if all worked out, also was going to be shown. (He did get out to a match last fall and did well.)  After his accident though the only thing that really mattered to anyone was having the health, vigor, and vitality of this handsome young pup fully restored.  Anything else would just add to the miracle of the fact he even survived. I remember hearing the reports about when Magnum first walked again, then ran, and then pictures of him swimming over the past year. All reasons to rejoice with his loving, caring family. A family that was touched by the anonymous generosity of a donation to help cover Magnums large veterinary bills. A family that sacrificed time and resources to devote all that was necessary for this young pup to recover.

So hence the caption above that Magnum is NOT your ordinary bird dog!  I am so pleased to be able to share with all of you the photo taken of Magnum and Jamie during a Columbus Day weekend hunting trip.  

Thought maybe in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and the seriousness of the upcoming presidential election we could all use something inspiring to lift our spirits!  Take care and God bless, John, Ann, and All things Brittany.

1 comment:

  1. All we had to do was believe and have faith and trust. Karen provided me with a picture which is one of my prized possessions. Hw is a handsome boy!!!!!



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