Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Friday, September 26, 2014

ATB: Autumn With Pippin at 7 Weeks

RUGAR (16 mths) 
Autumn is officially here and I know I'm not alone in saying this is my favorite time of year.  When the temperature begins to dip in the evening and the mornings are brisk and cool all one needs to do is breathe in this clean fresh air to feel a sense of rejuvenation.  Of course the additional thoughts include concern of how to get all that firewood stacked or perhaps even an OMG moment I need to get some firewood soon! The check list of chores seems to grow daily while the deep hope that truly October will be spent tromping in the woods remains.  There is an image in my mind of the calendar with the entire month of October completely blocked out for doing the things we love to do together. (I also do this with the month of July.) These visions are nothing new, yet every week there is another encroachment as one more thing is penciled in on the actual calendar hanging on the kitchen wall. So, as to avoid disappointment and if there ever was a time to be true to the sentiment of "Be still and know that I am God" it would be in regards to these vain imaginations!  In other words, go with the flow. Which we are really good at doing and without complaint.

So as the story goes Pippin came into heat much earlier than we had anticipated.  While we did have plans in place she totally messed up scheduled events for August, September, and October on several levels.  That's okay Pip-pip, we know that all things happen for a reason even though we may not completely get it.  I've decided that the change in plans will be beneficial in some ways for me personally. I will remain put at home with Pippin and her soon to arrive pups instead of pushing the envelope in regards to my recovery. Alas! With the sense of rejuvenation that fall weather brings to me, also come an unrealistic expectation that I am ready to tackle the fields and woodland.  I confess I am not so it is truly some what of a consolation that I will instead be spending this fall doing what I love to do and loving what I do as a breeder.

The grooming studio complete with a new hydraulic table and full standing tub is in a state of transition. Not because of the anticipation of pups but because of and ongoing project that has turned the area into a work zone. Last night on the way home from dinner with friends John and I talked about all that we have to do to get ready.  I was happy to have that conversation. He mentioned how he would soon reassemble the whelping box or, as I love to refer to it, the cradle.  Aunt Julie has donated several old quilts, comforters, and sleeping bags to ATB so I can't wait for Pippin to enjoy burrowing in them and making herself comfortable.

The whelping supply list needs to be reviewed again and replenished. Since our last litter was born John and I attended an informative breeders seminar presented by our friends on the awesome reproductive team at Broadview Animal Hospital in Rochester, NH.  I believe there is always something new to learn regarding the breeding of purebred animals. I'm reviewing my notes and the handout from the spring. Attending the seminar was actually my very first outing away from home following my surgery.  I remember how determined I was to go despite the pain and discomfort I was still experiencing!  Julie was here and took care of ATB while we attended. Anyway that's a bit of a rabbit trail and I need to reach for my whelping book to update where we are in regards to Pippin's pregnancy.

Although I know it is way too early I will cautiously say I believe that the other night I felt the fluttering of puppy movement underneath the palm of my hand which was resting upon Pip's tummy. Pippin remains active with a desire to be outside down by the pond. She has a new found interest in grasshoppers.  Previously she was fixated on dragonflies.  She's not a frogger like others in her ATB family here. After being outdoors for a good amount of time Pip will come back inside the house and retire to one of the couches where she'll stretch, cuddle, and nap away.  Ever since Pippin was a puppy (a singleton by the way) her very favorite thing of all is to have someone rub her belly for as long as she so desires.  She will blatantly roll over and reach up with one of her paws to try to reach for your hand in hopes that will generate the proper response. If it doesn't Pippin will become much more insistent to the point of annoying so really, it's best to comply.  Besides who can truly resist gently rubbing a soft and full pregnant tummy full of puppies!

If we could peek again inside at the developing puppies we would find that the hair is beginning to appear on their bodies and their skeleton has now turned to bone. Their coat is one of the last things to develop as is the skeleton which does not ossify until this point of pregnancy.  The greatest weight gain for the pups occurs during these last weeks. It would be possible to palpate and hear a heartbeat at this point. Pippins nutrition needs right now are great as the pups are drawing powerfully from her reserves.  It is at this point we begin to reduce how much food she is given at one time, and feed her smaller amounts of food at regular intervals.  Pippin is obviously feeling pressure upon her bladder as the pups develop because her trips outdoors are more frequent than usual. There is no mistake when she becomes uncomfortable as she paces and pants.  The pacing and panting of course will be one of the behaviors that increases when it is time for the pups to arrive.

For those waiting for a puppy this is a good time to be reading along in the Monks of New Skete "Art of Raising a Puppy."  For many reasons I love this book but one significant reason is the way author describes what their dog is going through as her time of delivery approaches.

I'm so looking forward to what October will bring.  I love the relationship I have with Pippin and as her time to delivery approaches we will grow ever closer.  I do not take whelping a litter lightly and will remain with her which I believe is my ultimate responsibility as a breeder.  Every effort is made here to keep life as stress free and comfortable as possible.  I also look forward to the development, socialization, and training of the puppies from birth to the first day of the rest of their; sharing it all with those waiting along with us.

We rejoice with pride of the wonderful accomplishments which I have enjoyed sharing with my readers.  This includes "More Braggin Rights", "Happy Pregnant Pippin", "Latest Achievements" , and more. We look forward to more news as the fall advances especially in regards to bird hunting season. And all of our crew is ready and excited about that!  There's a new gun on layaway for me which I look forward to getting, I also now have new chaps and hunting jacket! I know John and I will enjoy our time afield with each other. For the first time in several years my knee is not going to prevent me from walking alongside of him and our crew.  And that in itself is something to thank God for.

Okay well the day is a wastin' and the warmth of the sun beckons.  Dogs need running, floors need sweeping, a grocery list needs to be made, and a decision about what's for supper to be reached.  This is the day the Lord has made and indeed!  I WILL rejoice and be glad in it! PSALM 118:24

Thanks for your interest in All Things Brittany, stay tuned!  Take care and God bless, John, Ann, and ATB.

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