Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

J&A's Brittanys Waiting Game

Holly Beth 2 weeks post breeding
John is Holly's "Person." 
Throughout the entire gestation period of a dog there are often times of second guessing and right now is no exception. Is it wishful thinking or is there really a deeper color in Holly's teats?  Is it being overly optimistic to suggest that even in the above picture she appears slightly thicker through her middle? Is it self deception to suggest I detect a very subtle change in Holly's behavior?  Frequently, as the 3rd week of pregnancy approaches a momma dog will actually experience morning sickness.  Sometimes it is simply a matter of discovering that they have vomited or their entire appetite may be a little off.  I have read that they will actually get nauseous. Holly is not a Brittany that typically would go lay down in her crate in the middle of a busy day, although there are others that do routinely.  (We have several crates throughout our home with doors always left open with a soft blanket inside. That is unless you are Hemi and you pull your blanket out and proudly prance around with it but I digress. Positive crate training is so important from the start.) Neither is HB likely to prefer my company over John's as he is her Person with a capital "P".  Lately though she frequently tucks in next to me for some serious snuggles and I am more than happy to oblige her as we play the waiting game! Holly is one sweet Brittany and seems even more so now.

 As John definitely is Holly's Person and also his top hunting girl she is accustomed to being top dog regarding his daily outings to the field. There's an early morning routine here which the entire crew recognizes and it begins with the sounds and activities associated with John loading the All Things Brittany truck with his dog training gear.  From the time he unplugs the training collars from their charging ports to when he first opens the dog topper they are all revved up for their greatest joy awaits them. (Full disclosure: Getting up at dark o'thirty in the morning is not my idea of joy. Pulling my act together in time to head out before the sun comes up and being 'Suzie Sunshine" isn't something that will always work well either!) Weather permitting, our dogs are run several times a week. Some of this is for training, most is for conditioning and exercise, and all of it is for the love of the dog both given and received. Some days birds are involved, other days they are not but the dogs always anticipate encountering them and that always makes for an exciting morning whenever John loads the truck.  In order to keep Holly's stress level from bouncing off the charts she rides shotgun in the truck with John to the field.  Caution is exercised as far as she's concerned though and her amount of field running has been curtailed.

Holly and her momma Treasure.
I know there are plenty of people who show, trial, hunt etc. with their dog even if a pregnancy is anticipated. I'm not one of them. I'm over protective and I admit that I am careful to avoid potential problems, risks, or even dangers.  Although I know my girl is healthy, disease free and up to date on vaccinations how do I know that other dogs where we're going are?  I also consider the possibility of injury caused by any number of reasons so I err on the side of caution. I rarely will even go to a dog event when there are puppies involved or the possibility of them!  (If I do, I spray the bottom of my shoes with Lysol and then change into another pair before setting foot onto my property.)  Perhaps I am over cautious but I'd rather play it safe and think twice before risking the well being of my girl. We even limit visits by our friends and/or their dogs during this time! But they understand and still love us.

Well, that's enough rambling for now.  Time to call it a day. The windows are open tonight and the peepers are singing "cold feet, can't sleep"!  At least that's what John's mom use to tell me they said. All is quiet. Toph is still here tonight. Tomorrow I plan to groom her and make her pretty before returning home to her family where she is greatly missed.  So the waiting game continues as we will wait and see if her time here has been successful.  Thank you for your interest in All Things Brittany and as always God bless you and yours.  John, Ann, and our canine crew

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