Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Why is August so busy?!

I feel as if every morning so far this August I have hit the floor running the minute I get up! And by the end of the day the word 'dragging' doesn't even come close.... A quick look at my calendar explains it all... Not one free weekend until the end of September... no wait! Not one free weekend until... October??? or midway through? WOW. I'm not complaining but there are things to do ! Places to go! People to see! PUPPIES TO LOVE, TREASURE, ENJOY!

Oh yes indeed... that is what consumes my days lately - and its not a bad thing at all. We have a bit of a routine here now. Pups leave mom in the morning to come up and spend the day with me - either in the house, or outside. We've an X-pen set up in the kitchen and an extra one for outside too. Trying to work with the puppy training pads along with quick runs outside when I see the signs for poops and pees! Way too early to expect consistency of course. They cannot manage to control their body functions for a few months yet. Even so, they try hard to hit the puppy pad... usually they miss it by a few inches - or a few feet LOL!

George has caught up to Martha in behavior and confidence. He is still not quite as bold as she is but she is definitely extra bold and confident! Their weight has leveled out and they are favorably comparable to other pups from other litters in the past. They enjoy their puppy food (Purina Puppy Chow) and are just about completely weaned. Wish is nearly 'dried up' and she refused to let them nurse. However she does not refuse to love on them at the end of the day and the little family of 3 is quite affectionate with each other.

Yesterday was a special day! Pam and her mom Alta came down to visit the pups. It was the first time Alta had a chance to see them in person. They were pleased with how the pups were doing and enjoyed playing with them and holding them. I do have pictures. A certain someone did take a little cat nap in the chair with Martha in their lap! That's okay - when John came home several hours later I was the one caught napping on the couch with pups nearby.

They have ventured with me all around the yard. Before they would only go so far and then head back to something that was familiar to them. Now they come along and follow me wherever I go. I call "PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY" and they come a running! I sat back in the middle of the front yard last night and just let them explore. Boy did they have a blast! They realized there were no boundaries at all and explored everything and anything. I lay down on the grass and they came and snuggled, licked, bit and woofed! Nothing like getting suffocated by 5 week pups! Almost 6 weeks now - can you believe it???

We are trying to be sure Sherry and also Lili and her family get over for one more puppy visit before they leave. Fun Day wasn't really their 'official' puppy visit so we'll be sure that happens soon.

I am also getting ready for a series of dog shows that are coming up in New England. Pippin is looking absolutely beautiful but I am doing absolutely horrible as far as being able to gait her in the ring. Our friend who is a Jr. Handler may help me out but I so want to be able to show Pippin myself. Not sure if it is the Lyme Disease acting up, arthritis, or what. Of course I just had a birthday - that may explain it. (Nancy - I still haven't been to the doctor about my knee... I know I must find out what's going on with that.) When you're younger - you never really think all the aches and pains people complain about will be your concern one day. Then it creeps up on you... one year at a time. Oh I know a lot of mine is guess what??? WEIGHT! You'd think with all these Brittanys I would burn it all off LOL!

I recently put a post on our other blog about a hunting dog kennel in Philadelphia which was raided by the SPCA there. A reputable breeder and competitive dog owner with Bassett Hounds had her animal seized. There are stories coming from every angle and viewpoint. The AKC delegate from the American Bassett Hound club is pleading for people to write letters to the SPCA there. The dog owner has no idea where her beloved animals are. Oh I cannot imagine something like that happening. It makes me physically sick to even think about that. Usually when they do something like that the animals are immediately spayed/neutered and dispersed to rescue groups, shelters, or foster homes. Now mind you - I KNOW there are times when those actions are warranted - there ARE bad dog owners and breeders out there. But I have heard too many nightmare stories about reputable ones - having these things happen. Climbing off my soap box now... me, the advocate for responsible dog ownership and reasonable animal welfare laws while opposing the onslaught of the animal rights agenda.

I have new pictures to upload... I am waiting for some more to come from Fun Day too. A few have been posted on Facebook, where I am addicted to Farmville. Recently I became Facebook friends with Tammy and Stephanie there!

Last but not least and I should have mentioned this before. Please remember the Poulin family in your prayers. Zina's dad had a serious stroke two weeks ago. I have not heard a recent update but I know it was weighing heavy on her heart last weekend. John and I have lived the reality of a parent with a stroke and do understand. Just take a minute to remember them all if you would... Bob, Zina, Madison, and Garret. Thanks!

Take care and God Bless you all, John, Ann, and All Things Brittany

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