Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Keeps Getting Better!

I watched Bert puppy climb up onto the side rails, jimmy up using his paws by holding onto the chain link, then balanced himself as you can see here in the pictures. This is on our Facebook page but I know not everyone subscribes to that, and this picture shows just what we are in for with these pups!  Intelligence plus!  This pail was full of Treasures dry dog food, and suspended about 10" off the floor or more.  It's all moved around now of course.  It's important to realize that we have now transformed the whelping area no less than 6 times by the age of 4 weeks due to the undeniable intelligence and agility of this amazing litter of Brittanys.  They are developing and maturing so quickly although they are still an average of 3.5 pounds each.  Daily, it is if another little puppy "turns on" and suddenly becomes so much more aware of their environment. This weekend we saw amazing changes in their interaction with us - it was like suddenly they fell in love with people !!  Each pup does have its own personality and I just love love love experiencing the reality of getting to know them uniquely.  It's pretty hard to believe that we are halfway through to when these pups can go home as today, they turn 4 weeks old.  Treasure is doing so well, she is still quite attentive to her puppies but spends more time away from them now - which is as it should be. She is close enough to hear their cries and quickly runs to see how they are.   Because of the fact the pups can crawl up, over, in, and out Treasure spends the night inside the shared area with them. They start off in the whelping box, and usually by morning just a couple of crawled out to where she is.  Treasure seems to enjoy the pups one or two at a time and will lovingly kiss them as they crawl over her head and body.  Nursing the pups is quite a job now so she usually will remain standing.  The pups in turn will stand on their back legs to suckle.  The pups are on their 4th day of weaning and were introduced to moistened puppy food which they really enjoyed.  They are now getting this twice a day, and tomorrow will be the beginning of 3 full meals of moistened puppy chow a day.  Treasure seems to understand that we are working together, which doesn't surprise me.  She's teaching her babies that they can have time together playing which doesn't always mean she's their meal ticket.  What the puppies learn from their mother in the next 4 weeks will be very important for them as far as respect goes.  As they establish a pack heirarchy, Treasure will always intervene when things get rough as will John or I.  In the coming days and weeks we will soon be able to identify certain 'characters' in the litter.  I really hope we get some more days like today as it's going to be fun to introduce them to the outdoors.  We've had young pups born in January before who we briefly let experience snow etc.  These are afterall Brittanys! 

I do have to share that last night we enjoyed a wonderful time with our daughter and her family to celebrate our youngest grandsons first birthday!  Something that made it even more special was to be able to bring our other three grandaughters with us to celebrate too.  6 out of 7 of the grandkids were there, our nieces, friends and neighbors.  On the way home we were laughing and giggling and talking about how nice it was to spend time together.  This "Gramie" was asked what was most important in her life... and I answered "It goes like this.... God first, family next, friends follow, and then our dogs"... I do think they thought I'd say dogs first!!!  The fact of the matter is - God has marvelously found a way to intertwine all that matters to us - and All Things Brittanys is a part of that.  Spending time with our family means a lot to me, and being with and communicating with friends does too.  More pictures and updates soon, didn't weigh or take photos today.   Take care and God Bless you and yours, John, Ann and ATB

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