Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


A few days ago our youngest grandaughter celebrated her 5th birthday at a party held in New Castle, NH at "The Commons".   Located at the mouth of Portsmouth Harbor, where the Piscataqua River meets the Atlantic Ocean, the Commons is a popular summertime destination for locals and tourists.  It is one of those places that is a delight to all 5 senses.  I was so pleased when our daughter said that the party was going to be held there by request of our grandaughter because that area is, as they say, my 'old stomping grounds'! I think I've blogged here about New Castle before and will probably write about it again in the future.  It is where my mother's side of the family settled years and years ago.  The cemetery there is full of my ancestors and most significantly, my parents are laid to rest there alongside of my grandparents. A historic little settlement, it was a perfectly wonderful place to grow up in for a child to feel sheltered, protected, and loved by her family. My childhood home and family 'homestead' was sold in 1990, the same year that my mum died.  It marked the end of a long legacy in terms of having had family in New Castle for 200 years!

I have attempted a time or two to actually write a non-fiction book about growing up there. Lying around here somewhere is an unfinished transcript that I started about 20 years ago.  My memories are very rich of growing up in New Castle, and that is actually where my love of God, family, friends, and yes - of dogs was born.  Our children grew up with vague memories of trips to New Castle to "Gramie's house", of enjoying the beach just down the street from where I grew up, and especially of trips to the Commons.  Since they both now have children of their own it always makes me happy when they enjoy such a special place with their family.  Alana's birthday party this past weekend especially so.

Prior to going to the Commons, I asked John if he would mind taking a drive around the back streets so I could enjoy flashing back to the innocence of childhood.  We drove by the houses where my friends once lived, passed by secret shortcuts throughout all the backyards, and I probably bored John silly as I recalled some of those moments in my life.  As we approached the house where I grew up in I noticed a car parked in front of the summer cottage next door. I wondered... could it be possible that care would have New Jersey license plates.  Then I noticed a young woman standing on the little porch in front of the cottage which was surrounded by beautiful wild roses.  Oh how I remembered that scent mingled with the sea breezes that found it's way to my window each night!  The car that was parked there was from New Jersey.  Could it be?  Excitedly I asked John to please pull over briefly (we did have the birthday girl with us so that her mom and dad could transport her gift in secret!).  You know that moment in time when you make a choice to look like an idiot and take a chance to introduce yourself to a total stranger thinking you know them?  That was me and and I as much as expected that to happen. 

I walked across to where the woman was standing on the porch talking on the cell phone.  Our eyes met.  Without missing a beat, she briefly dropped the phone away from her mouth, long enough to speak my maiden name, smiled and went back to her phone call.  Can I just say how awesome that made me feel?  After all these years - and I mean at least 35 or 40 - she knew me!  Her sister was inside and popped her head to the front door and looked curiously at me and then her sister waved to her to come out and while carrying on her conversation also interjected once more my maiden name.  So it was that I was reunited with a wonderful family from New Jersey who had summered in New Castle next to my house ever since I could remember. I asked about their parents, thinking that they probably had passed on by now but was then further surprised when invited to come into the house and say hello to them! 

Stepping into that little cottage was like stepping back into time with some very special people.  I turned to go into a 'parlor' that I had once spent many summer days in and to my delight found about a dozen people sitting in the coolness of the shaded room. I was introduced in a way I always loved to be introduced as a child, in a way I was always proud to be referred to and in a manner that I so miss hearing.  "This is Mary Woodman's daughter, you remember her, don't you?!"  Oh yes they did remember and I was thrilled!  Faces of different ages, from middle age and beyond met me with smiles.  And I could see that my friends parents were indeed still alive, despite several health issues that they are facing.  Then it was said they knew who I was - now the question was did I know who they were?!  Fortunately my friend helped me out but I didn't do too bad!  Basically it was the joining of two families who have remained close over the years through friendships forged years and years ago when my friends grandmother was still alive, long before she was born I believe.  Evidently they plan this special time together annually and gather around together.  And this was what I was blessed enough to walk in on.  I happily was reunited with the 3 sisters, their parents and the neighbors and their children and grandchildren. When asked what was I doing and where do I live I was happy and proud to share a few highlights of my happy life with John, about our children and grandchildren.  I explained that we now raise Brittanys. I was blessed when it was remembered that my father used to raise
French Bulldogs, and that was before I was born!  When I was a child he and my mum raised Boston Terriers. So you see, the conversation did eventually include Brittanys ;o).

My flashback to another place and time could not last very long as the present was calling me happily.  I brought two of the sisters, my neighborhood summertime friends, out to meet John and Alana.  They thought Alana looked just like me when I was a little girl.  Promises were made to keep in touch somehow while we hugged goodbye.  Alana and Grampa were happy Gramie got to see some of her friends from when she was a little girl.

The joy of that visit remained with me throughout the evening of Alana's birthday party which was a joyous event in it's own right.  I watched her ride a scooter and then a two wheeler with training wheels for the first time.  I enjoyed my niece and her daughter and reminded her that there once was a time our home was in walking distance of the beach we were looking out at.  The tide was going out. The kids were anxious to go play on the playground and I was feeling drawn to walk out onto the long pier. Slowly I made my way and walked out almost to the end.  I could see the familiar Isles of Shoals and Whalbach Lighthouse to my right, across the harbor was Fort Foster in Kittery Point, and to my left the familiar Ft. Point Lighthouse, coast guard station, and sheltered cove of New Castle Beach. My daughter and grandson soon joined me followed then by John, eventually Alana and the others for a moment.  It was just quiet, nice, and comforting. The sun was going down and light was fading.  The sounds of the waves slapping against the shoreline, the sound of the seagulls, and that intoxicating sea breeze. Memories are made of this.  And my life is so full of a myriad of memories that surround growing up in New Castle,  the island by the sea.
Take care and God Bless! John, Ann and All Things Brittany

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