Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Field Conditioning / Breeding Program Update

J & A's High Flyin' Girl of Acton - "Piper" - 10 months old  

J & A's Keeper of the Stars of Acton - "True" - 10 mths old 

J & A's Heartfelt Legend of Acton "Pippin" (Center)
J & A's Ever Ready Rose of Acton "Rose" (1st time training since spay)
J & A's Dreams Come True of Acton "Treasure" (liver and white)

This is the time of year that all bird dog owners look forward to as opening day rapidly approaches.  Whether getting ready for hunt tests, field trials, and/or bird hunting, summer is the season to get those dogs out in the field and woods for conditioning, exercise, a tune up or a combination of all three.  You can't expect your Brittany (or any hunting dog for that matter) to transform into pointing dog extraordinairre and deliver a stellar performance this fall unless she has been conditioned regularly throughout the year, and most especially in the weeks leading up to all the fall events.  Whether with a trainer, on your own, or sending your dog to boot camp if you have not been working your dog but hope to have a good hunting companion or competetive field dog - better get crackin!

These pictures were taken this week as John wanted me to go down to the fields and see how things are going.  I was not much of a help to him but did enjoy taking a few photos.  I was very pleased.  The two younger pups have really come along great this summer and I have no complaints especially being just 10 months old.  Rosie had been spayed awhile ago so she's not really been worked an awful lot.  But, by the looks of her waistline that will change. It's a challenge to keep a spayed female within the proper weight range and when you can't look down and see a definite waistline your dog is overweight.  If a dog is overweight just 5 pounds that is almost like a human being 25 pounds overweight.  The last thing I want for Rosie is to see her lose her beautiful Brittany figure and instead look like a big barrell with no definition.  It's sad when that happens and it can easily be avoided.  Some people consider allowing a dog to become overweight being in category of animal abuse or neglect.  I don't know if I'd go quite that far but there is something to that.  Treasure and Pippin both gave me reason to smile yesterday too as I watched them with John.  Pippin is too old for derby competition and not quite ready for gundog competition yet so this is a challenging time for her, and for us.  I certainly would not consider Treasure 'finished' but she certainly handles very easily and well for me.  Maybe not so much for John ;o) but ssshhhh.... don't tell him that.  He's very good with the dogs...usually he has an idea of what to expect (these are Brittanys, sure they are unpredictable!) or what each dog needs work.  I have to share I have loved seeing him pour so much time into the dogs since he 'retired'.  (Retired? Hardly!  This man is busier than he was when he was working 60 hours a week! I have to laugh when people comment that now have 'time' to do things because he is 'retired'! ) But even so, I know when he is with the dogs he is doing something he loves. And they love him too. We are gearing up for whatever the fall may bring.  Heading out to a few more shows before summer is officially over but focusing on our Brittany club's upcoming field trial at the moment.  And we are really looking forward to a few hunt tests this fall.  I have an updated list of most of the hunt tests in the New England area through December so if you'd like one just ask. 

BREEDING PROGRAM UPDATED: By all accounts I'd say our fall/winter 2010 breeding program is going to be right on schedule.  Just finalizing a few of our serious inquiries and hoping to confirm level of interest. Yesterday I sent out several emails to double check with those who have been waiting awhile for our next litter of Brittany puppies.  (If you are reading this and did not hear from me but do remain interested please contact us right away.)  It was great to hear from those of you who are still looking forward to a puppy from Treasure and Gibson OR waiting for next spring when Pippin will be bred for the first time.  The excitement around here always begin to grow as we anticipate and prepare for puppies for all the right reasons.  As always, thank you for your continued interest in All Things Brittanys (J & A's Brittanys) take care and God Bless you and yours.  John, Ann and ATB

PS I hope that the best Brittany in the world is feeling much much better than he was 1 week ago!

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