Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Monday, August 2, 2010

When Rose is happy...

Our home was the site of the 6th annual Central Maine Brittany Club Summer Field N Fun Day.  Over 50 people and 25 Brittanys (not counting ATB) participated in the day long event.  I'm currently in the process of screening and editing the many photos that others and myself took of the festivities, including several really interesting training videos.  It's going to take time. I have distributed a 'report' to the club members, posted a few photos on Facebook but there's much more to do.  As it is a club event I feel it is only right to highlight the day from that perspective but once I have completed that aspect of Fun Day,  you can bet I'll have a lot to say about the other side of things - especially how AWESOME it was to see so many of our very own Brittanys 'come home' for a visit!  Fun Day is an outreach to all Brittany owners and John and I were so blessed by the support of our ATB family as well. 

Having said that you may think it strange when I say the above picture has surfaced as one of my very favorite ones.  This was actually taken by Julie Ballentine and it shows her daughter Kaitlyn, son Jacob, and friend Carmen sitting in front of the raffle table waiting for the drawing to begin.  Although they own Crystal, who is full sister to our Rosie it is not Crystal who is seated with the kids.  It is none other than our little sweet Miss Ever Ready Rose!  It is easy to tell by her body language that she feels a very important part of their family and included in the festivities.  I love this!  Rose, you may remember, recently underwent major surgery when her reproductive organs were removed (she was spayed).  She's bounced back with a new lease on life and a happy go lucky attitude which just oozes happiness.  Kaitlyn asked me at one point during the day's activities if she could get Rosie and hang out with her.  I gave permission for her to take Rosie for the afternoon and what a great decision to make!  Rose is indeed one very special Brittany (just like each and every one is) and to see this picture that Julie took just really, really made me so happy for my Rosebud.  You can't look at this and not smile, just knowing the story behind Rosie. 

So as I continue to process through the past weekend and relive the wonderfully special day, I just wanted to at least post one picture and this is the one I chose!  There will be highlights and reflections of our July 31st event to follow, which for ATB truly was a family reunion. Take care and God Bless, John, Ann and our funloving Brittany crew.

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