Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ATB: Who Am I?

I am the worlds best grandma. 
I am a superstar. 
I rock.
Don't believe me? 
Just ask my oldest grandson! 
 Out of the mouths of babes.  Wasn't it Art Linkletter who had the program back in the day called "Kids Say The Darndest Things" and also "House Calls"?  (I think too that Bill Cosby had a version of the program in more recent years.)   All the cutesy little kids would be sitting together in a row and Art would approach each one with the mic.  He asked very basic questions of the youngsters who, for the most part, were eager to speak into the mic and provide an innocent and enthusiastic answer. This of course resulted in an outbreak of  canned audience laughter. On second thought, maybe it was not a laugh track at all. Regardless, the kids were such a breath of fresh air in stark contrast to the seriousness of the oh so adult world we find ourselves living in at this stage of our life. Do you ever just find people take themselves too darn seriously?  Or, if not themselves, situations and circumstances.  My 'birthday letter' will remain posted within sight where I can look at it every day and be reminded that "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child" (Forest E. Witcraft, American Scholar, Teacher, Scout Leader, 1894-1967)
"Who Am I" is an important question for all of us to ask of ourselves from time to time.  When John and I were youth directors at our previous church we put together a PowerPoint presentation of all the teens set to the awesome words of a song by "Casting Crowns" called "Who Am I."   I think it's especially important for the youth of today to have a balanced perspective of who they are, of their potential, value and worth.   (Click and listen while you read, I bet you'll like this music!)

I'm confident in believing too that we all need to be mindful not to become negatively effected by excessive pride, or rest on our laurels and accomplishments to the point that our identity becomes lost in them.  You see this a lot in the business world or even epitomized clearly through the adage "he who dies with the most toys, wins."  Wins what?  I've seen some really nice people transformed into very boastful, arrogant, and obnoxious people because of their achievements, goals, promotions, acquisitions, etc.  We all desire to have our moments in time, to be more than we ever hoped we could be. That sense of worth and value which is ours and ours alone, to stand in the spotlight of whatever our chosen profession, craft, or giftings may be.  Yet too easily this can morph into an obsession, and not necessarily of the magnificent kind. 
I guess that the most important thing to take away from any reflection on 'Who Am I?" is to work at becoming better at being yourself.  Be certain of what really matters the most  and also not getting caught up with the expectations of others.  Learn to say "no, thank you" more often or "I'm sorry, I can't."  How can we know who we are, if we don't even know what we really want, or who we want to be?  It's never too late and certainly never too early to take the time to try to answer these questions.   
Family, friends, co-workers, supervisors, neighbors, pastors, and all manner of individuals in our lifes have a 'notion' of who we are. But does their belief about who we are really define us accurately?  If so, we should be left with a peaceful and easy feeling in our relationship(s) with them.  Yet finding ourself conforming to desires of  people who only have a vague awarenss or understanding of who we are can cause true peace of mind to remain elusive and unattainable.  Such a constant, inner battle can bring about weariness and stress that's simply not healthy for us on any level. We're actually battling against ourself,  against our own nature as we challenge the very person God created us to be!  We are at risk of having no idea of who we are, and in danger of remaining trapped by the expectations that other people put upon us. We get lost in the shuffle.
I can tell you this is not the plan God has for your life.  It's not the plan He has for my life either.  One thing about growing older which I say on the heels of a recent birthday that brought me closer to my next celebration ending with a "0" - you do become wiser, more knowledgable, and confident.  My mother in law at the age of 84 told me that when something was on the tip of her tounge to say to another, that she knew it was soon going to be spoken!  Maybe you become less concerned with offending someone or hurting their feelings.  I'm not advocating that we become offensive, insensitive, or arrogant in what we tell others. But give the same level of respect to your 'own person' that you give to others.  Do unto others as you would do unto yourself takes on a bit of a new meaning with this perspective, don't you think?
Not everyone has the same likes or dislikes.  We shouldn't expect others to be just like us and vice versa because that results in conflict. Appreciate others likes and dislikes and be respectful.  Don't put our expectations upon others.  Saying yes automatically to everything others want is not what putting others first is all about.  (Don't be afraid to tell those who insist on their own way more often than not, to take a break and a chill pill. We all have control freaks in our life so you know what I mean.)  When everything is said and done, the only way to grasp the truth and the reality for ourselves truly is simply by putting God first. Seek Him and His ways. Read about who you are, who He created you to be. Embrace this once and for all. And walk in the freedom of the answer to "WHO AM I." How do you answer the question?
Thank you for your interest in All Things Brittany. John and I and the dogs are all doing well.  Very busy with daily field training and getting ready for hunting season, maybe a couple more hunt tests and probably a trial.  We are beginning to put plans together for our winter 2012/2013 breeding program and will announce them soon. We have a nice waiting list growing which will motivate us further.  Pippin is close to finishing, True needs 1 leg for his Senior Hunter, and we're very pleased to have on of Treasure and Bullets little boys here for early bird introduction.  Molly Rose is enjoying an extended vacation away from home, and John and I are getting ready for our clubs field trial weekend. Don't have a lot of plans for much more showing this fall, just settling in to what the future may hold. All good. I've enjoyed many wonderful visits with several of you this summer as well as special times with our family.  Life is good and God is great.  Take care and God bless you always, John, Ann and our canine crew

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely beautifully written! What a wonderful reminder about what is truly important, and about the things we CAN control in a world where there is so much we cannot control. I saw a friend of Jim's today who adamantly said about Jim that he was a true friend. He was true to himself and he would do anything for anybody. I can only hope to leave such a legacy. And going back to the basics and staying grounded is so very important. God bless you both and ATB.


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