Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Brittany Training Highlights / Writing Nonfiction

*Don't forget to pause the playlist on the right before viewing!
Half an hour of Brittany dogs running, working and training condensed into 7 minutes! The first two to run are True and Bullet. The second pair is Pippin and Jack. Monday through Friday all of the Brittanys here go to the field with John for training, tune-up, or purely for the fun of exercising based upon their needs. You'll hear a couple of the dogs complaining in the background from time to time - they have either already been and want to go again, or they are waiting for their turn. These would be the voices of True and Pippin. Hemi has been going to the field once a day for fun runs and he has met birds. While the big dogs were running with John, I had Hemi attached to a 6' foot leash. He took it all in and in the end joined them.

WRITING NONFICTION I have at least 3 unfinished full sized crocheted afgahns.  There is a box somewhere with a beautiful quilt top awaiting to be backed. Hidden away in a tub is a dress pattern already cut out. I just missed a dog show entry for one I really wanted to go to.  I finally put the bread machine away because the yeast I bought expired. There is a common denominator here friends and I just have to wonder if it has something to do with a comment John made recently when he used the dreaded "P" word - PROCRASTINATION. (Who, me?)
Somewhere in the archives of my life are hidden treasures written on 3 hole notebook paper.  Long before I even knew about computers and technology I loved to write and write and write.  I spent one summer in California writing poems about the experiences there. Mind you that this was in the 70's so a poem about my friend and I walking down the boulevard blowing bubbles could possibly have psychedelic undertones (or overtones whatever the case may be.)  The song 'Ventura Boulevard' was a hit that my niece said for some reason makes her think of me.  Ummmm....

Anyway, I've always loved to write. I've taken classes and earned credits in regards to creative writing. I think I mentioned somewhere about the weekend spent at the Isles of Shoals participating in a writing seminar.  And then there was the blog.

THIS blog! I didn't even know what a blog was only that we had a litter of pups due and I wanted an easier way for people to follow what was going on other than rely on email.  This was also before Facebook, or at least before my involvement with FB.  At the time we had free webhosting and I was getting pretty good at   'WYSIWYG' (What You See Is What You Get) as it pertains to web design etc.  Actually I created my very first website back in 1996 for the Kittery Aglow ministry. In the day it was pretty cool and high tech.  Interestingly enough it was because of that website I met a lot of the Aglow women from across the country who I have remained friends with. If you're not familiar with AGLOW International it's an international Christian ministry, a network of caring women and one that I was very much involved with at a local, regional, and even national level of leadership. So anyway eventually I was invited to do a website for the New England Region of Aglow.  There have been other website's I've done as well including the Central Maine Brittany Club. Our own Maine Brittany Site website has evolved over the past 8 years to the point of here we are at this moment in time.
I am not trying to pat myself on the back or be arrogant. There are enough people like that around already. No, instead I just want to mention that although people have ALWAYS told me they liked my writing, it has only been in this past year that I have had specific offers of guidance, suggestions as to how to write, and what may be a good idea about writing.  I guess I have to get over the thought that these things are just being said to be nice to me, that they are being said in a sincere manner. And dare I believe - people REALLY like to read what I write? 

I have several libraries if you will. There is the library of ALL THINGS BRITTANY and that includes everything from my father's 1953 AKC Books to the most recent book on dog breeding that I bought.  Another library that I have contains several versions of the Bible, a Strongs Concordance, all my study books from the Berean School of the Bible, books when we were youth group leaders, women's ministry books, etc. In other words - should I ever follow through (procrastination issue again??) with my ministry sudies and did become a minister - there is a real good start on books for my study!  Then there is the library within a libray which is full of reference books and resources in regards to the actual craft of writing. Books from the classes I have taken, recommended reading, information on technical writing, grammar, etc.
I want YOU to know that I added 3 new books to my library today.

  1. The EVERYTHING GUIDE to Dog Grooming
  2. The EVERYTHING GUIDE to Dog Obedience, and, are you ready????
  3. THE EVERYTHING GUIDE to Writing Nonfiction
 I guess that there is a whole series of these 'Everything" books, sort of along the same lines as the "Dummies" books.  I do have several of those as well in my library which I enjoy reading.  Ironically - the book called "Dog Training for Dummies" has the cover chewed off. While I'm on the subject of learning new things, I would like to build upon my extremely limited ability to speak French.  In the 3rd grade we had a teacher who insisted that we greet her each morning with a phrase spoken in French. She, in turn, would respond to us in French. We learned a lot of songs and in that era Public T.V. consisted of programming from the University of New Hampshire's educational channel.  I KNOW without a doubt that 2 dear childhood friends will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about and we could probably repeat these early language lessons by heart to each other.  Anyway.  As ATB has a new friend who is from Paris, France it could be appropriate for me to brush up just a little bit don't you think?!  Maybe I'll look for an Everything Guide to Speaking French!  But alas, here I am rambling, oui, oui.

I am the kind of reader who typically has several books going at the same time.  The Diana Gabaldron "Highlander" series has had my utmost attention now though for a few years.  Depending if I'm planning to play in the dog show ring, looking towards a future litter of pups, or reading a cookbook about summer appetizers - there is always a pile of books next to my bed. There are also piles of books where ever I happen to plop myself.  So, tonight there will be another book added and I shall fall asleep reading it only to awaken shortly afterwards when it 'THUNKS' on the floor.  Actually, my head just 'thunked' on the keyboard in front of me and Hemi hasn't even made a sound to go out and it's past midnight.  Me thinks I best say goodnight and finish this missive another time!

Take care and God Bless you Always - John, Ann and ALL THINGS BRITTANY!


  1. I had to laugh once Bullet and True were put away and Jack and Pippin came out. I heard the protesting and said to myself "That has to be True." He and Riley sound exactly the same.

  2. Bonjour Madame,
    I am one friend who remembers the childhood french lessons we had ! My comment is, there is no way you could NOT spoil that new puppy...just look at that little face, aurevoir madame

  3. Bonjour Madame,
    Como Tal-ey vou?
    Ke tough a teele?
    If a bouf!
    Oh I miss you and it's good to hear from you... 'Paulette' I do believe..!

  4. That's funny Tiffany! They have a language all their own don't they?

  5. This was so awesome! Sassy heard the bells in her sleep and came and jumped in my lap and watched with me. I don't know what brought tears quicker: Sassy's response or watching Bullet and True and Jack and Pippin do what they love the most. And Hemi's response was priceless.


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