Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Monday, December 9, 2013

ATB Vido: A Treasure Amidst the Winter Snow

DECEMBER 9, 2013 - Puppies Cometh
Within days of her anticipated whelping date our ever beautiful, liver and white Brittany "Treasure" is reacting to the strongest of strong natural, inherent instincts that lie deep within her being. She is in her own right extremely primal in some aspects especially in regards to hunting but this is different. This is the difference between wanting to obediently respond to my call by returning to my side, or continue to follow an invisible path leading her somewhere private, dark, and safe; to a cave where she can have her pups. I was glad to have my camera with me this morning on this brief outing which truly began with a very simple request from Treasure to be let out to go to the bathroom. 
The snow was softly falling and just a dusting of the white stuff had accumulated while we went out for a brief walk together.  Usually Treasure makes a game of running as fast as she can around the entire circumference of our home, often completing her first lap within seconds!  Not so today.  Instead she sort of loped around, slowly carefully and deliberately.  Her spunk and playfulness was evident though.  She buried her nose in what snow there was and also tried to make a 'snow angel' which was quite ungraceful given how large her abdomen is.
It was as if Treasure was perceiving some powerful call of the wild or something. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks, raised her head to the air while the snow fell upon her dark liver coat and her nostrils enlarged with a scent only she could detect.  Quickly she turned aside and ran for where a large weather proofing tarp lay on the hillside. Cautiously, she bent her head low and sniffed where the opening of the flap was.  Then she stuck her whole head in and lifted the tarp up over her body.  For a few seconds she began to dig around, scratching the surface of the ground. Just a quickly as she started, she stopped and jumped out only to run down to the edge of the woods where we have a pile of patio pavers stacked among some tree stumps and the like.  Treasure stuck her head underneath every possible opening and rooted around, running from one side to the other. Then once again she stopped with that same far away look and stance before quickly running down into the stand of pin leading towards the pond and into the deeper woods.  This did begin to make me nervous so I turned around to head back to the 'puppy cave' telling her to come. And I was very glad when she ran ahead of me, indicating happily that indeed, she had every intention of going back into where it was safe and warm.  
Her temperature is remaining steady, not a smidgen over 100 degrees. Appetite is really good too. We are still several days away, not quite the hurry up and wait 'stage' but definitely things are progressing. My goal is to help to keep Treasure as calm and stress free as possible. Not easy to do for any Brittany but especially for one getting ready to have pups. With Christmas music playing, plenty of writing projects, several books, and of course the diversity of Windows 8.1 on the new laptop, there's plenty to keep my own attention.  Even so, sitting on a couch with Treasure exposing her belly to me as she lays on her back lends itself to gentle belly rubs and plenty of opportunity to tell this lovely Brittany what  a goooooood goooooood girl she is. And that's the truth.
Thank you for those who are confirming your level of interest! I know it's been a long wait but it's just about over with a new journey ready to begin. And especially thank you to our faithful ATB family, friends, and followers for always caring, always encouraging, and always ALWAYS praying.  Take care and God bless, John, Ann, Treasure and All Things Brittany

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