Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Talkin' Bout the Weather / Boomer is Here / Busy month

John and Hunter - Greenville, Maine - 1992

It's the middle of June already!!  In just a few more days summer officially begins and shortly after that, we will begin to notice ever so slightly the decreasing amount of daylight each evening.  When June consists of more rainy and cloudy days than warm and sunny ones I must remind myself of weather in years past when our children were actively involved in school sports. Our lives evolved around their activities which included faithfully attending each and every sporting event they participated in.  Many, many June evenings were spent huddled under an umbrella in the drizzy, cold, Maine watching softball or baseball games locally or away.  When conversations lead to a discussion of weather, and what  a chilly, rainy month this June or any other June for that matter has been I am quickly reminded this really is typical for New England.  Most of the time when John and I were at the outdoor early summer/late spring events we were drinking hot cocoa or coffee to keep warm!  Rescheduling a game on account of the weather was rare.  So I can't complain about the funky weather we've had lately but I do wish if it were going to rain - it would POUR, get it over with, plus this would really help the water level in our fish pond come up!

We are dog-sitting for two weeks and have the pleasure of enjoying "Boomer", a 5 year old liver/white Brittany boy out of Molly and Tunk.  For those familiar with the lines this means Boomer is a Tailspin grandson, and related to Hunter (pictured above with John.)  Boomer's purpose for being is to bring joy to 3 of our young grandchildren and to their parents!  Yes, he can hunt and has hunted. He also has enjoyed some informal agility work.  But what he is best known for is the job he was born to do, as a well loved family pet sharing in the daily lives of an active family of 5.  He had to work hard at it in some instances as our daughter's husband did not grow up around dogs at all.  Getting to know a Brittany is one thing; getting to know what your first dog is about who happens to also be a Brittany is quite another.  Truthfully though, the bond was made early on when a 4 week old Boomer puppy took a dive for the worst and we thought we'd lost him.  That was when Boomer suddenly exhibited extreme lethargy and lost interest in playing with his other littermates - which in itself is enough reason to get to the vets immediately.  With a few other symptoms showing up our sweet little Boomer had to undergo subcutaneous rehydration, many blood tests, electrolyte replacement, and stay overnight at the animal hospital. There never was a specific diagnosis and when we brought him home it was not with a cheerful or positive prognosis, it was more like 'hope for the best, we've done all we could do.'  That was when I knew that our son in law was ready to become a dog dad as he spent a lot of time sitting on our couch simply holding Boomer to him. The Boomdog had to be kept separate from his littermates.  In a matter of days however and several hundred dollars later he was once again playing with his littermates and a return visit to the vets showed no lasting effects. Just 'one of those things.'  With survival being a 50/50 chance either way we didn't have to go to the vets and could have decided to care for this little pup without medical intervention.  But the choice we made was the right one.  He is one handsome liver and white Brittany boy who loves his kids, and the sun rises and sets by them as far as Boomer is concerned.  He misses them but he's doing well and for replacement therapy he simply has several Brittanys to play with instead of 'his kids' - plus he is reunited with his mother and full sister.  Unfortunately, Molly and Rosie are less than thrilled about that! 

I'm really procrastinating this morning.  I should be doing anything other than blogging at this moment in time. I have to ready the Brittanymobile for another roadtrip and get several dogs ready to show.  John has started working on a small grooming area in the garage, the walls are already up but it won't be ready for awhile. (He is the best for doing this, I didn't even ask!)  I'll print out my pre-show checklist and begin to load the RV, get my 'show clothes' pressed and ready, grocery shop, and set aside the next few days for pre-show grooming.  The next several weeks are going to be extremely busy but I know once I'm in the swing of things and get over this initial dragging my heels I'll be fine.  One big highlight on the horizon is the Central Maine Brittany Club  Specialty Show.  As show chair, I'm so pleased with the support shown to the club by the number of entries - there are 2 majors each day for both boys and girls.  There is a lot of club work to be done specifically in preparation of that show of course, this in addition to my own to do list!  I'll be praying for the pain in my knee and lack of flexibility to be minimal and manageable which it should be if I pace myself, and by relying on my friends who I do not know what I would do without them - and the best friend of all - my hubby!

This isn't getting me anywhere.  Will let you go and hope you and yours do have a wonderful Monday and a great week - the sun is peeking through, clouds are departing, and it's looking to be a very nice day!  Take care and God Bless you and yours always, John, Ann and our Brittany crew here at ATB!

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