Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Brittany Puppy Video & UPDATE / 16 Days Old

This past week from week 1 into week 2 was for me reminiscent of sleepless nights that follow the homecoming of a newborn human infant.  Although not directly responsible for a feeding schedule for the new Brittany pups I am responsible to monitor many aspects of their well being.  Primarily at this stage that means to maintain the warmth and temperature of the 'puppy cave', the term which I now use fondly.  I personally feel as though there is a true hibernation occurring and why wouldn't I?! At the time this beautiful litter of Brittany puppies was born Maine was experiencing a blizzard. Safe, dry, and warm from the harsh elements of a true Nor'easter John and I were locked away with Treasure while she gracefully whelped her puppies. Here it is over two weeks later and there is yet another snowstorm (the 5th?) going on right outside the window where I sit writing. By choice I am spending hours in the puppy cave with Treasure and pups.  Physically there has been little to do to help John with the never ending snow removal.  The crew of ATB is divided between their own cozy dog house with pellet stove, our home, and of course here in the puppy cave.  The warmth of the wood stove here in the puppy cave, the low lighting and the music played here in the evening only adds to the ambiance.  "Positive 89.3 FM" is the source of the inspiring music played, music which is uplifting and encouraging.  Music which adds to the calmness of this puppy cave which will transition into a noisy and wonderful busy ness in the not too distant future.

Here is the condensed version of a post which I wrote at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, a post which is actually 3 pages long:  " Matthew West's song "My Own Little World" is playing on the radio. Treasure sleeps soundly in the large wicker dog bed nearby the whelping box.  A beautiful silken comforter, donated to me from my niece due to it's ripped seams, has found new life at ATB in the form of comfortable bedding for Miss Treasure.  The soft light of the heat lamp illuminates 8 sleeping beauties, Brittany pups with very full tummies. At first there is an illusion of passiveness as the pups sleep, an illusion which proves to be a myth. Within 5 minutes the realization that this is true poetry in motion becomes clear.  The frequent stretching, mewing, yawning, tumbling and cuddling among the new Brittany puppies reveals a vision too beautiful for words.  Treasure awakens briefly, just long enough to lift her own head up and expertly evaluates the needs of her pups.  She looks at me from across the puppy cave. We exchange calming signals with each other and she slips back into her dreams of fields, woodlands,and birds.  A bumping sound is heard from within the whelping box.  I look up just in time to see a sleepy pup awkwardly make it's way out from under the overhang of the security of the pig rail. The pup scrambles across the top of the puppy pile rudely disturbing it's sleeping occupants.  There is a brief shift of positions without any complaining.  The 15 day old new Brittany pups are indeed emerging from the darkness into the light.  Walking in the light after living in darkness always brings a sense of awakening to new life.  This is true not only for these innocent, beautiful animals created by the Hand of God, but also for His creation which has been made in His image.

The neonatal developmental period has ended for Treasure and Gibson's puppies.  We are now in the transitional period, which occurs from @ Day 13 - 21 of life.  This period includes:
  • Eyes open with minimal vision but awareness of surroundings
  • Ears open, noted by various startle responses to sound
  • Improved mobility, increased activity
  • Increased need for more intentional stimulation
  • Deliberate elimination
  • Face to Face Encounter
Take care and God Bless and thank you as always for your interest! John, Ann and All things Brittany

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