Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Miss Bailey Bug: Heartache Amidst The Joy

Hills Catchn the Wind (Bailey) with her two beautiful boy puppies in the beginning...

This is 'off topic' in regards to awaiting for the arrival of Treasure and Gibson's litter. Even so, my heart has been heavy this week in as much as it has been full of joy and anticipation. But first let me share about the abounding joy and expectation in the announcement of the arrival of Jack and Jasmines 4 beautiful orange and white puppies over in New Hampshire early this Saturday morning! Jasmines breeder called to share the good news and sent along pictures of the sweet newborn puppies. This is our reason for joy today and we congratulate all concerned, especially our Jack! Congratulations to Tom and Kim!

Now, on the other hand, I did allude to a certain sadness in our lives within my post of "Day 56 / 8 weeks" when I wrote to you: "Sometimes, sadly, being a breeder also brings great disappointment. Sometimes, the heartaches that find their way into a breeders heart are devastating. None of us ever can know for certain what unforeseen genetic anomoly will surface, or what causes it to happen. Whether in the delivery of a pup who is still born, or fails to thrive, or is identified later as having great difficulty in developing - the knowledge of the reality of these things is always in the forefront of each breeders mind. Most breeders share their joys and their successes with each other, and there are those breeders who share their heartaches and disappointments with each other, holding one another up through difficult times. I've been on the receiving end of both situations. As we look towards the birth of Treasure and Gibson's second litter of healthy Brittany pups, it is mixed with excitment along with the awareness of all possibilities, good or bad. It is something we take very seriously and as we do, we are mindful of those who we care deeply for who also understand and have experienced the integrity and value of life placed in their hands for such a time so brief as this may at times, simply be."

In case you were wondering, it was not my place to further elaborate on what I was referring to specifically at that point in time. But someething sad happened that ultimately effects all of us here at ATB - not only because of the animals concerned but more importantly, because of the love and the friendship shared.

Early this week our good friend Dawn who owns Miss Bailey and Pippins father Jac called with very serious and ultimately very sad news concerning one out of the two beautiful little boy puppies, just 4 weeks old. As the week went on, Dawn had to make the kind of decision every dog owner hates to make; but especially difficult for a breeder who has just poured so much of herself, time, devotion, expertise, and most of all - her love into whelping a litter of well planned pups, pups that proudly made our own Jack a grandpa and our Wish a great-grandma!

I want to say to Dawn, Paul and to their sons "how very sorry John and I are that you had to make a very humane but difficult decision concerning the life of the puppy you had considered keeping as your own. It is never ever easy no matter how old an animal is. But to look at a vibrant and outwardly healthy puppy playing with it’s littermate while knowing that there was a hidden enemy at work within, must have been one of the most heart wrenching sights to see. There are no words which I could write or speak to you my friend which could ease your hurt but perhaps somehow the expression here might help to let you know how much you’re loved and thought of."

Paul and Dawn are among those rare breeders which we hold in the highest of regards. Their ethics, integrity, program and the kind of people they are and have always been - are rare qualities. They are qualities we admire and also aspire to. We’ve all walked through some rocky places together over the past several years but always I have felt God’s hand upon our friendship and He has been faithful. And I know He will be faithful to carry our friends through this difficult time.

"Dawn, Your heart was captured by the spunk and vitality of a very special boy. In his brief time here, he may have known and felt more love from you that many pets and animals know from their owners in a lifetime. My faith and belief system allows for me to believe with all my heart there is a place in heaven for our animals, whether it is Rainbow Bridge or Heaven itself - there will be a reunion and that’s not just hoping and it’s certainly not a myth. I am sure that all the friends and family of All Things Brittany will join John and I in offering our deepest sympathy to all of you. Our heart also goes out to Miss Bailey and to the one little boy who remains. I understand how much this litter of 2 meant to you…and I am so so sorry for your loss."
With so much love and friendship, John and Ann and ATB

I will update later in the day on Day 60 of Treasure and Gibson's puppies.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine this. I'm so sorry for them. Losing an animal whether they have been with you for days or years is heart wrenching. Unless people are truly animal lovers, they don't realize that it is often as hard as losing a human...a family member. God Bless you as you go through this difficult time. Monica Homer


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