Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

DAY 58 / Morning Notes

Carpeting has temporarily replaced the shavings for the flooring in the whelping area of the puppy room.  The morning sun shines in and rests upon the whelping box quite nicely providing a great place for Treasure to enjoy the warmth of the sun.   We will filter the sunlight with blinds or curtains on the windows though to keep the level of light low in the days in which pups eyes begin to open. John put a few layers of unprinted newspaper in the carpeted whelping box itself and Treasure was quite delighted for the opportunity to shred it all up to her hearts content.  I'll be moving the cot in there today in anticipation of uninterrupted time spent with Treasure in the next few days.  She needs to be settled in to the area where she'll give birth.  I know she understands what is going on and seems proud of all the special arrangements made in her behalf.  I have been telling her "Treasure - this is all about you!"  (Although the rest of ATB has come in and checked things out and made themselves at home while the preparations have been ongoing - it will soon be off limits to them which is always the case when we have a whelping/nursing momma dog and babies.  I have heard fluffy warm and fuzzy stories of 'co-parenting' involving other family dogs being a part of the process and can only scratch my head in disbelief. There's a time for interaction with other dogs in the development and socialization of a new puppy but it's not during their neo-natal period this is for sure.)

This morning I am noticing a lot of restlessness with Treasure but this does not mean she's moving around a lot. It means I see her shifting and stretching, changing her position frequently as she tries so hard to sleep and rest. She seems to enjoy having her head raised such as resting on a pillow or whatever she can find to lay it on.  For instance as I type she's sprawled out next to my feet but her head is resting on a pile of magazines.  Treasure is getting up for multiple trips outside during the night when typically she is good from bed time to sunrise.  All of ATB is house broken of course and they know how to communicate their needs clearly and persistently, she is no exception.  Several times last night I was awakened by her cold nose nudging me gently accompanied by her signature song of 'woo-ooo-oooh' expressed in her soft, sweet voice. I did crate her in an extra large crate for several days in a row but that's just not fair.  She has to go and she has to stretch out.  So what if it means standing outside in the freezing cold at 2 a.m. with Treasure on the other end of the Flexilead.  So what if it means feeling like the filling in a Brittany sandwich throughout the night.

My hope is to spend most of this day settling in the puppy room with Treasure. The t.v., radio, and books are arranged and it's very warm and comfortable. I have enough work to do to keep me busy. Later in the morning and again in the afternoon all of ATB sans Treasure will enjoy their time outdoors. 

Speaking of the rest of the crew: Oh how they love to run and stretch their legs, run a couple of laps around the pond down back.  The water level of the frozen pond is up to the top again and they have enjoyed romping across that too. This makes me think about last winter when True and Piper were just puppies.  Now we have this handsome True puppy who has met all of my personal expectations, he's a delight!  And Piper is down in South Carolina doing very well in her training.  Molly and Rosie are as intelligent and fun as ever, ever scheming together and loving each other's company as mother and daughter who have never been separated.  Miss Wish  wiggles her cute little butt right off just at the sight of me, and when she's outside running spends more time jumping up for me to hold her than anything else. Scooby he is still a real mommas boy, he always has been and always will be he just doesn't want anyone to know that. We all know Jack dog is the Golden Boy here and Miss Pippin, she's in pre-show mode where keeping her coat spic and span is the daily challenge.  She's on and I expect this year we will announce her as ATB's first ever champion, a Brittany we bred ourselves.  Lots to look forward to but right now thoughts turn to the beautiful liver and white Brittany girl, our sweet Treasure who seems to be willing me to begin to spend that one on one time just with her in anticipation of the days ahead.  And I am happy to say to her I am more than ready for this is what it is all about, what it comes down to.  I will not let her down.  Take care and God Bless you, John, Ann and ATB

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