Welcome to the ATB blog "J & A's Brittanys" where we love to write about, share stories, post videos and pictures featuring our beautiful, well bred Brittany family bird dogs. With their established and recognized hunting heritage our dogs also measure up to the breed standard regarding health, appearance, movement, and temperament. Enjoy the stories of whelping puppies, tips on field training, bragging rights on accomplishments, sharing joys and sorrow, announcements and as the name implies - ALL THINGS BRITTANY! With a love of God, family, friends, and dog we welcome you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Burning wood and Freshly Brewed Coffee

The last weekend in September finds John and I both at home together! Every weekend for the past 2 1/2 months has been full for us. Socializing and caring for Moxie and Shiloh,  Dog shows, Fun Days, Bird Dog Grounds Work, Field Trials, Meetings, Family Celebrations, you name it!  I've been away from home, he's been away from home, or we've both been away from home with all the dogs.  Not so today though.

This morning I woke up to the smell of wood burning, coffee brewing, and breakfast cooking. Anyone who knows me knows I'm NOT a morning person so even with all these wonderful enticements, John had to persuade Treasure, Jack and I to roll out of bed and enjoy this crisp fall day.  (Before 7 AM... take note).   Oh but how nice to sit down on the couch together, feel the warmth of the wood burning and laugh and enjoy each other's company with two of our special Brittanys.  Treasure enjoyed curling up by the woodstove, and Jack? Well Jack enjoyed curling up between us hoping John might share his breakfast.  Breakfast by the way consisted of silver dollar pancakes, topped with fresh blueberry sauce and whipped cream and a fresh cup of hot coffee. 

Did I mention how much I love and appreciate my husband - who definitely IS a morning person and wasted no time heading out to open the dogs runs, get the tractor running, and head back into the woods to cut some more wood. He's spent this week cutting up wood for this winter and stacking some for next year. We already had 2 cord of dry, seasoned wood delivered this summer but John's been wanting to clear some more of our land so he's cut enough trees this past week to give us another 2 cord for this winter, and is now working on stacking wood for next year.  It looks so nice out back where he's opened it up more.  1/3 of our 5 acres here is field and that's where our house is situated.  The other 2/3 is all woodland and each year we work it a little bit more.  There is a very special tree stump out back that I claimed when we first moved here - and John has been careful to work around that - it's a place I go and sit while the dogs romp and play, at any time of the year. I love finding that spot in mid-winter, brushing it off, and sitting there in the sunshine. It's big enough to share with a couple of dogs and they do check in quite regularly. 

Okay so that's where John is now and I'm up in the house about ready to head outside for the day myself.  It's been perfect laundry drying weather these past few days and we love the smell of fresh of air dried sheets!  Also all the puppy laundry is being airdried too in anticipation of days to come.  Last night John soaked beans and this morning we parboiled them - and now I have them in the oven baking - this begins a fall / winter tradiiton in our household - homemade Baked Beans every Saturday night!  There may be a pumpkin or squash pie baked by the end of the day, we'll see.

I watched John's pigeons this morning as he walked across the back yard. A small flock of 9 swooped and dove above his head then made a few passes over the neighborhood before heading back to their coop. I swear they try to communicate with him.  He has a real nice flock of beautiful homing pigeons that he enjoys.
I hear the chain saws going; sounds like Johns and also that of our neighbor.  Jack goes back and forth between the woods and the house. Yesterday I couldn't find him but noticed the slider was slightly open. Sure enough, I came through the kitchen to find him sound asleep on the couch.  Quite an exciteable Brittany you think? 

I am thankful for this day of being home together.  There are enough chores to keep us both busy morning to night but there will be enough moments to enjoy simply 'being' especially on a day when the air is so bright and crisp, the skies are so blue, and the trees are showing some color. And especially important, is the contentment that Rosie, Wish, Scooby, Molly, Pippin, Treasure, and Jack all feel and demonstrate - just knowing we are here, together with them.  This is a Maine dog show weekend but I missed the entry deadline.  I had thought of going to Topsham to support our good friend Pam who is showing Paris but I know she understands how important it is for us to be home together.  I do wish her well and hope that Paris wins another point towards her championship.

Having said all of this, there's another load of laundry to get out on the line, and several dogs to let out of their runs to happily enjoy this day with us.  We hope you'll enjoy this day too! Take care and God Bless,
John, Ann and All Things Brittany

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